Friday, February 26

Ye olde photographer darkroom trunk

Since my dear wife is out dancing the night away, my lovely son is sleeping like a little snoring log, and my brother ran into Ryan-issues, I suddenly have a bit of time to kill this evening. I am chatting to my brother online just now and we are both cursing and planning a boycott of that awful cheap-o airline. Earlier tonight we were exchanging funny photos over MSN and just for laughs I wanted to change my profile picture. When I tried to figure out how, I stumbled upon my old photos from years back. First of all, I don't even remember some of these, but it also got me thinking; I wonder how many old photos from trips, parties, etc that are floating around the internet? Scary thought!

Anywho, I thought I'd share some of my old photo albums with you. Didn't actually know that I could include nifty photo albums like this, but this should keep you busy for a while! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Home now from the night out and can I just say what an awesome Husband and Son I have! They are seriously the best people to be in a family with!!

    Love you both

    Mom! (ps - I'm a Mom!!!)


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