Thursday, February 18

”I kissed a girl and I liked it”

Today has been a better day than yesterday. Work was good; busy and productive, just the way I like it. Ethan and Shaena had a full day today as well. Orlaith spent the night last night so that they could get going early on their hang-out day, however from what I gathered when I came home after work this evening, most of their plans for the day had never materialized as they never made it out of the flat and all looked a bit sleepy. Ethan and Orlaith had even gone for an afternoon nap together, then they woke up together and Ethan proceeded to kiss Orlaith on the mouth. Twice! What a charmer!

Other than that, they had done a bit of cleaning and had made chocolate chip pancakes and virgin cocktails for lunch. I think I am going to become a stay-at-home dad instead, sounds excellent to just putz around the house in your pajamas and eat pancakes all day long! Just kidding really; I know it’s not always easy and is quite a lot of hard work to take care of a baby full time, so a lazy day is more than well deserved!

Tonight ’Shaena’s Movie Club’ is doing another viewing (think it is ‘Invictus’), so we’ll probably cozy up in the Supaluxe and watch a flick. I am sure you are all thinking: “Shaena’s Movie Club? What in god’s name is that!?” – Well, let me enlighten you:

Shaena has figured out how we can stream high quality movies on our computers, some movies haven’t even premiered in the cinema. So (almost) every night at 9pm, we drop everything and kick back with a movie. We have plowed our way through quite the list of movies already, including: ‘Inglorious bastards’, ‘Up in the air’, ‘The hangover’, ‘Law abiding citizen’ ‘Zombieland’, ‘The Ugly Truth’, ‘Valentine’s Day’, and many more. Sometimes we choose to watch a documentary or a few sitcoms instead, but always for free! Pretty sweet!


  1. sweet deal!

    i have a super awesome docu website that i watch from - we're obsessed with docu's.

    send me the link, i love watching free movies!

  2. Whoa, we love docu's too! But mostly the ones about either cults, freemasons, da vinci code-type ones, murder mysteries and such... so, link us! :)

    Our source of free movie goodness is - it is awesome! The only annoying thing is that you can only watch around 70 minutes before you have to take a break for about 50 minutes. Luckily, you can usually run it on 2 computers as it is checking for your IP address.

    Are we nerds or what!?


  3. haha ya you guys are total nerds!!

    but i love it ;)

    well i'm not sure that there are any da vinci code-type ones on this website, more social problems/whats wrong with the world.

    go to snagfilms(dot)com

    check out a movie called yoga, inc. its really good, and not just cause i'm a yogi! :P


Hey, don't be shy... drop us a line!