Tuesday, May 12

Crappy days and good days

Yesterday was a long and crappy day at work, today was a lot better and things felt like they were were back to normal again. I think I let other peoples lack of commitment and drive get to me personally yesterday, and that is obviously not the best in a business environment. But isn't it just very annoying when you are trying to get stuff done and you are trying to infuse a bit of passion and dedication into the workplace and it just feels like you are stepping through mud?

Anyway, today was a good day. Actually, almost every single day at work is a good day for me and I love what I do and what I am a part of. The CareerBuilder spirit and way of doing business is very right for me personally and I am very lucky I get to do all the things I do, so I really should not complain, but everyone is allowed the occasional moan once in a while, right? Usually when I need to moan, I type up a very long email to my boss, however this time I didn't, so yesterday couldn't have been that bad after all.

People in general, and Shaena in particular, are asking me what I actually do at work and I sometimes feel like Chandler Bing from 'Friends' who goes to work every day, but when asked what he does, he can never really give anyone a straight answer. I really should try to define what it is that I actually do, but I am involved in such a wide array of things on a daily basis, the list would probably be quite long and possibly very confusing to someone who is not a part of the wonderful world of the 'online recruitment advertising industry'. Needless to say, I do realize what a fancy pants line that was!

I think the ultimate question if you want to know if you are happy in your workplace or not is: 'If you won 10,000,000 whatever-your-currency-is, would you quit your job?' - If the question is a no-brainer-definitely-in-a-heartbeat yes, you are working in the wrong place, but if it is at least a hesitant no, I think you can consider yourself satisfied with your job and can afford to have a crappy day or two once in a while.

Late night words of wisdom from me to you, Dr. Phil-style! Free of charge. This time. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're 95% happy, Peter. If you ever need a sympathetic ear, I'm happy to help. :)


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