Saturday, September 19

Hungry like the wolf

Most of you who know and follow us know that Ethan is a hungry baby. He is eating and growing like mad, which is of course very positive (must be the Swedish viking heritage in him). Definitely better that he has a good appetite than not. Today we tried to add rice pablum (rice cereal in the UK) to his diet, and he did not seem to mind at all. He ate it all and washed it down with a bottle of formula. With the pablum to his diet, he didn’t want to finish the whole bottle either, so it seems like he is feeling full faster. It must have worked.

On the flip side; feeding a baby semi-solid foods is messy business! I guess we just have to get used to food in the face and all over the place, because in a couple of months he’ll be eating purées and apple sauce. By then, we could definitely use a 'wet wipes sponsor', so if anyone is interested, please let us know!

...and speaking of which: Here in the UK, there is a money appeal on TV for absolutely everything. For example, you can sponsor a starving child in Africa for £2/month or sponsor a mistreated donkey for £3/month. Yes, it is more expensive to sponsor a donkey than a child! So, I was thinking; maybe we should set up an 'Ethan appeal' where you, dear blog readers, get the opportunity to sponsor a growing child. How about that?

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