Sunday, September 20

3 months left of the year – how much more travels can we squeeze in?

It is the 20th of September, so just over 3 months left of 2009. This year has been another busy, and of course very exciting, year for us with the baby and everything. So far this year, together or separate, Shaena and I have done a fair bit of traveling with trips like Greece, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, France and the United States under the belt but there’s still some more to come.

Shaena and the girls are going to Ballina, west Ireland, in the beginning of October for a girls weekend away and I still have a trip to Sweden for work to fit in before the end of the year. Also on the drawing board is another trip to Canada, provided that Ethan gets his passport in time. If we are really lucky, and if the trip to Canada works out for us, we might even be able to time it so that we can catch a KISS concert! Paul Stanley and the boys are playing a sold-out gig in Winnipeg. Shaena is connected though, so tickets should hopefully not be a problem. How awesome would that be?

We were also exploring a couple of other options; either a trip to Tenerife or an island cruise, but we are realizing that it is too much money for a week long last minute trip.

Shaena and I obviously enjoy traveling and seeing new things, but at the same time, it can be quite tiring. Here is a brief synopsis of an international flight for those of you who haven't had the pleasure yet:

The day starts off when you get on the airport bus in your home city, lugging a 40 pound suitcase to the airport at 4am in the morning before a 12 hour day on an airplane. Once airborne, you will: cross multiple timezones, eat bad airplane food from a small tray, be squished next to someone you don't know that is probably either trying to make conversation and/or is breathing heavily, and finally, just when you are about to fall asleep - you have arrived!

And then there is Christmas… or this year, maybe we should rename it KISSmas?

1 comment:

  1. If Canada is in the works there are 3 girls in Southwestern Ontario who would like a stopover!!!! We will collect you. Arrange for babysitting AS WELL as baby firendly activities.... and a VPN connection if Peter has to work haha!

    Hope you get to see KISS. I am considering writing them a letter asking why they hate me so much.... missed the summer show as I was in Ireland and the fall show in London 'cause I am heading to another wedding out of country.... The 2 times I leave this year, who'd have thunk it!

    Miss you guys! Loving the pics! Sarah (I know it says anonymous at the top but in all honesty we're lucky I managed to even post something haha)


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