Tuesday, January 27

I can hear your heartbeat...

Today we’ve been to our second midwife-appointment and Shaena and baby are still healthy as a herd of horses! We also got to listen to our little baby’s heartbeat drumming away in there. What a strange sound, like a hissing sound and a normal heartbeat on fast forward. This is definitely getting more and more real for every day and we couldn’t be more excited!

Next on the agenda is the second scan on Thursday. Very excited to see how much baby has developed since last time. This whole pregnancy is just flying by, it’s crazy! We have to be careful, before we know it baby will be driving a moped, dating, working part time and is ready to leave home…

And did I mention that we already have an arranged marriage set up for later on in life? If baby turns out to be a boy, we have agreed with Jessika and Bain that their Danika will be a suitable wife for our baby. Should it be a girl, they will simply be BFF.

I can hear your heartbeat
I can hear your heartbeat
Baby H, the sound of you is so sweet
To me.

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