Monday, January 5

43 Waffles

You probably noticed. On the bottom of our bombastic fantastic blog we have a hit-counter. It is a pretty new thing, actually only 2 days old, and it displays how many unique visitors we have had. For those of you who are not overly internet savvy; a unique visitor count is a count of how many different website visitors have visited our blog, and they are only counted once per computer. So, in the last 2 days we have had 43 different people reading our blog which is pretty darn cool! I wonder who you all are.

I’m gonna take a stab at making a list and see how far I get:

1. Myself
2. Shaena
3. My dad from home
4. My dad from work (my dad is a very devoted fan of ours) :)
5. My sister Isabel
6. Shaena’s mom
7. Shaena’s grandpa
8. My brother John
9. Aunty Nini
10. Cousin Emily
11. Cousin Julia
12. Jessika
13. Bain (possibly on the same computer as Jessika though)
14. Linda Ekström
15. Trainer-Bruce
16. Orlaith & Gary
17. Hameed

I think that is how far I can get right now. Would be cool if the rest of you could leave a quick note in the chat so we know who you are.

Unique visitors, or waffles, is a crucial part of our master plan so keep 'em coming.

Attached below is the master plan:

Reach out to the broad masses, charm and entice them all, and ultimately become internet celebrities like Lily Allen or “Numa” the chubby guy dancing to "Dragostea Din Tei".

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