Tuesday, March 30

It is raining cats and dogs in Edinburgh today!

...but you know what? I don't care! Yes, my shoes and my clothes and my hair got soaking wet going to work this morning and same on the way home. That doesn't matter at all. What matter is that my little family unit is coming home soon and that I have had a good few days at work. Work is starting to feel like we are getting some traction in many areas and that we have forward motion again, which is a very good feeling. Tomorrow I will start preparing for Shaena and Ethan's arrival by placing a massive Tesco-order to fill the fridge, the freezer and the cupboards. Think I'll spoil my little buddy by just ordering sweet desserts for him and no actual food. And cookies. Lots of cookies.

What about Shaena and Ethan's trip then? Well, since they are not updating you themselves, I guess I will have to do it for them. Yesterday they spent the day out and about in Chicago and from what I picked up from the sporadic updates I got, they had a fabulous day out! They were eating Chicago style hot dogs, Chicago style pizza, they paid a visit to the Mammoth-Museum, went up to the 96th floor of the John Hancock-building and they even met up with our old American friend Kate who lived here in Edinburgh a few years ago and recently moved to Chicago to get hitched. Well, not just to get hitched, but you get the picture.

Right about now, they should be heading back to Appleton for another few days of fun and rest and relaxation and after that: Swoosh! Back home in rainy Edinburgh!

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