Wednesday, August 5

Back in the saddle

After a long, and obviously very exciting, time off, I am now back to work. On Monday and Tuesday we did our first ever Account Manager off-site workshop outside Edinburgh in North Berwick. It was definitely a very educational and interesting day and a half, and on Monday evening we had a nice dinner and drinks (and I think I speak for everyone when I say that the most exciting part of the evening was when the fire alarm went off in the hotel and the whole hotel had to be evacuated!) My company had also organized various activities for everyone on Tuesday afternoon, ranging from spa treatments to horseback riding to boat tours. What a great company to work for! And yes, Shaena is right when she says that I love my job. It is just perfect and wonderfully challenging.

Today has been my first day in the office, and there has been lots of things to catch up on, but I feel like I am up to speed and ready to rumble. In the next couple of days I am going to try to map out what the quarter has in store for me and how to tackle the various tasks and goals that I've been assigned, so lots of things cooking for sure! We also have a visitor from our office in India in the office this week, so I've been spending some time with her as well and have been on the phone to our mothership in the US, on the phone with a sales representative in France, amongst many other things... see why I like it?

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