Friday, April 10

My, oh my, it is all very exciting and nervous right now!

Remember that I mentioned that I was putting the apartment in Sweden up for sale? After that I have been in contact with a real estate agent and signed all the documents needed to get the ball rolling. This guy seems like a good agent to work with; at least if you are on our side of the fence. He is salesy, hungry and seems ambitious to get results. When I first spoke to him he gave me this whole spiel about how hard he’s working and how he is teaming up with this other real estate agent to move potential buyers between properties.
I thought: ”Yeah, yeah, you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?”.

It actually seems like he can walk the walk. Everything he’s been telling me so far has been accurate and we are very excitied to see what the development will be in the next couple of weeks. Our apartment should be posted on their website in about 2 weeks and then the viewings will probably start the week after that if all goes well. It might actually even sell before the viewings start if we are really lucky. Cross all your fingers and toes!

Right now this same agent is selling a flat of the same size, in the same area and the building is of the same age as well. Lucky for us he posted this one with a starting price that, if all goes well, could either move a few potential buyers over to our flat or he’d sell this flat and then start our flat off on the same starting price.

To explain a little about how the property market works in Sweden:

An apartment is almost always put on the market with a starting price. This starting price is a suggested price based on the market value of properties in the same area, of the same size and also based on the state of the property. This is not the final prize for the buyer though; unless you decide to sell the property for a fixed price from the start. If not, a bidding process will start straight after the initial viewings.

Anyone who can produce a letter from their bank stating that they are good for a mortgage for the requested price or above can partake in the bidding and the bids are not binding until the actual contract is signed so you can imagine these are nerve-racking couple of days for both the seller and potential buyers!

The cool thing is that everyone can follow the bidding online and the seller has final say as to when the bidding stops and who he or she would like to sell the property to. Time will tell, but if all goes well we might be able to set up a little piggy bank for baby!

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