Monday, April 13

At home on my own

I am on day 5 of this mystery ailment which is not fun! From what the doctors have said and what the internet is telling me is that I should be over this in another few days *Cross your fingers* and that baby is doing just fine. I figure that Baby H has learned how to jump in a star position as I am getting jabs in all directions at the same time. Maybe he'll be a cheerleader :P

So I am trying to keep myself busy so I don't go insane while sitting here. I figured I'll start watching Smallville from Season 1 onwards and I really like it! Oh oh Peter...another addictive series you'll have to sit through!!

I also like to read wikipedia. Normally I read about famous people and see how interconnected everyone in Hollywood is. I couldn't imagine living as a movie star. It is like a big high school and everyone wants to be prom king/queen. Enough of high school! It was enough for the 4 years I had to endure it.

I was also going to try and be creative and put some of my photos up on the blog but right now I can't be arsed! I think I'll just keep doing what I am doing and eventually it will be time for another nap.

Love to you all.


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