Sunday, May 16

5am is the new 9am

Springtime in Edinburgh and the sun is rising earlier than before, as expected. As first time parents we have learned another important parenting lesson in the last couple of days and weeks that we would like to share with those of you who haven't had the pleasure yet: Get blackout blinds as fast as you possibly can or suffer the consequences!

Ethan is now waking up at the crack of dawn around 5am and is playful as ever. We are not as enthusiastic over the dawn of day but don't really have a choice but to wake up and play along. On top of that; last night/this morning was extra draining as we had to listen to another street fight in the middle of the night. Wonder why our street is so prone to street fighting in the wee hours of the morning? Must be that dodgy Cuban nightclub across the street...

So, dear wife... sorry about the 5am grumpyness. Let's get those blinds sorted! ;)

1 comment:

  1. True. Since we changed curtains in her bedroom, she is back to normal waking up hours. It feels so good.


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