Thursday, June 11

Nesting Nesting Nesting

This nesting should be bottled! I wish I had this kind of energy all the time. Feels nice to get the house in order before little one arrives. I even ironed today!! Think I might bake some cookies too!

Although, with this time and energy also comes a point where I like to complain at customer service when I am not happy with something and I actually have the time to write letters and hopefully resolve matters.

For instance - we recently canceled our BT service for broadband/phone as Virgin offers cable broadband (no need for a phone line) so that is a savings of £11.95 month! However, when I phoned BT to ask them what I needed to do to cancel the service, all they said was "you are no longer in contract so just give us a call when ready". It wasn't that I was leaving them due to poor was just that we could get a different package that they couldn't offer. What they neglected to tell me is that I needed to request a MAC code (which is a migration code) that I am supposed to magically know about. Really it is just a string of digits that is supposed to make the move to a new provider seamless - this has been the opposite effect!

Of course, when I phone customer service, I get a scripted call centre in some fun country who can not seem to understand what I am saying or respond in a sincerely empathetic tone. Ugh. They claim that they sent an email around to all customers informing them of this "cease charge" back in December however I have no record of this email and this is the first I have heard of this. My letter is now written and sent and it seems I am not the only person that has had this problem (I researched it on the internet afterwards!)

Hopefully though the good news is that Virgin do not charge their customers if they go over their download limits. Recently Peter and I have been addicted to streaming as it is great for getting programs on TV you can't get here! I keep getting an additional £10 per bill with BT! Wish us luck on this.

Anyway, this wasn't meant to be a complain-o blog post...not much longer till family and little one are here!!!

Peter is currently chatting with his Dad on Skype and has set Stefan up with his own blog with the hopes that he will write. Peter says he is a really good writer as well has had his own book published. What a cool family we have!!

Loves to my peeps!

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