Brace yourselves because here it comes: about £800 pounds or £37 pounds/day for full time daycare including snacks, lunch and nappies! Absolute and utter, yes utter, extortion!
I am sure there are private options as well, but who do you trust with your child? You could be lucky and find a dream-type “Mary Poppins meets Nanny Fine-type” that will take great care of your baby and teach baby the ways of the world in a safe environment, OR you could be unlucky and meet the nightmare-type “Chicken Fat Lady from Erin Brockovich-type” that will stick the baby in front of the TV all day and hand out the occasional spanking. You just never know.
We also have the option of one of us staying at home full- or part time, but that can get a bit tedious in the long run as well.
I have found a great source of information and answers to some of my most common dad-to-be-questions. It is called http://www.dad.info/, and I am sure it will continue to be a great well of facts and tips. Check it out!
Finding the right nursery is an important step for you and your family and it can be a pretty stressful process. Whether you are a first-time father or have just moved to a new area, you're faced with a range of options. So how do you know which provider to choose?
How long have the staff worked at the nursery?
If the staff change regularly at the nursery it's more difficult for you and your child to get to know them and build up a sense of trust. If most staff have been at the nursery for over three years then you can be more confident of a stable environment. However, there may well be a good reason for recent staff changes and it is well worth taking the time to find out
a bit of background.
Will they tell me how my child is doing?
A good nursery will find ways to involve you in your child's life at the nursery, for example by giving you updates at the end of each day and by organising regular meetings to discuss how they are getting on and any issues.
What food will they provide?
Food is an important part of nursery life. A good nursery will have a well-balanced menu and be able to provide for any special dietary requirements. It is quite normal for parents to ask to see an example of the menu. This is also a good chance to discuss any special dietary requirements or allergies your child has.
O yes!! This is extortion. And you are not even sure, the person is really competent. I have heard some terrifying stories.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to find the right one!!!