Thursday, March 17

Swedish Permanent Residence Permit is in the bag!

New country = new hoops to jump through for Shaena to be legal and official in the country.

So, for the past month or so we have submitted and tracked our application for Shaena’s ‘Permanent UppehĂ„llstillstĂ„nd’ or ‘Permanent Residence Permit’ with the Swedish Migration board and just over a week ago, we also had our official interview with our Migration board case worker; you know the one where they interview you separately and ask a quadrillion questions just to try and call you our on any bluff that you may be playing. Our case worker was great and probably realized quite quickly that we were legit and had nothing to hide and even promised to do what she could to speed up the administration and get the decision over to us last week or this week. The other day it arrived in the mail and Shaena is now a permanent resident in Sweden!

I have to say though; this time round the whole application process and everything surrounding it has been pretty painless and pretty quick and I think the best part of it was that we only had to send them copies of everything instead of sending our actual passports etc away.

It feels great that this is sorted and official now and we are glad that we can now this whole process behind us… until next time we move countries! ;)

Happy Paddy's Day everyone!


  1. Sweet! Sometimes government administration can be smooth :)

  2. Is it possible to get Swedish permanent if I lived with Estonian girl and became father of son.I am living in Sweden for last 4 years and want my family to live here with me.comments and suggestions are welcome.


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