Tuesday, March 15

Have you met Purple?

You may or may not know this about Shaena but Shaena can be very, very persistent and she is a world class researcher who can sniff out the best deals for pretty much anything, and most of the time she also has something on her wish list. Usually it is either a purchase or a little project that she would like to get done and when she sets her mind on it, there is literally no stopping her. A quality I truly admire! Let me tell you the story about “Purple the puppy”. It really is something else!

Here’s how the story developed:
When the iPhone first came out, even though it was only available in the US, and it couldn’t even be used in Europe at that point, Shaena thought is was the best thing since sliced bread and had her mind set on getting one so kept researching and researching and lobbying and lobbying persistently for a very long time until finally the iPhone4 was released (and at this point, a few more significant things had been added to the list) and she said: "If we are going to move to Sweden, I want an iPhone, an SUV, a dishwasher and a puppy!"

“Holy moly!” I said.

Now, since the iPhone4 acquisition is secured, Shaena has moved on to the puppy and let me tell you, she is not shy of using any means to get one! ;)

Let me explain:

Nowadays when Ethan and Shaena are coloring or drawing; for some reason, many of the finished drawings include a picture of a puppy and most of them are drawn with a purple crayon and it says “Purple” underneath the drawing. The other day when Shaena and Ethan met up with me outside work, Shaena slipped me a folded up A4 paper and said “Ethan made this for you at Öppen Förskola” (open day care). I unfolded it and what do I see? Another picture of a purple dog with “Purple” in writing underneath! Ethan of course, has learned how to say "Purple" as well and whenever he sees that dog-drawing or even a purple crayon he is chanting "Purple, PURPLE!"

I have a feeling 'Purple the puppy' will haunt me until he or she is in fact sitting on our hallway floor, chewing my best leather shoes to bits!

Oh, and today at work, she sent me a link to an advert for this used car that she had found in the classifieds (remember the SUV on the list?):

Lord Almighty! ;)

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