Tuesday, December 23

H-MEN – The next generation

The good news just keeps coming! It is official, we are pregnant! For those of you who didn’t already know: Yay! We are so happy and proud we could shout from the rooftops!

Today we had our first scan, or ultrasound, and we are proud to say that Baby-H is 69mm tall and has a good heart beat. I am also proud to say that our little boy or girl will be the 20th generation, that we know of, in the Helin family tree. My dad has done extensive research and tracked us back all the way to 1425. Imagine that! I have added a few pictures of the little one and a picture of the family tree as well. Click on it to enlarge it.

We will definitely keep everyone posted on everything that will be going on with the baby and more.

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