Monday, August 1

A skate down memory lane: Shaena at Hollywood Goes Hockey in 1988

The long awaited for VHS tape (remember those?) from the 1988 Rainbow Society charity event ’Hollywood Goes Hockey’ in Winnipeg has finally been converted to DVD and tonight we had the pleasure of watching this 80’s celebrity extravaganza!

Grandma Michelle was the founder of the Rainbow Society back in the day and organized the event and as if by magic, little Miss Shaena 6 years old got a great seat behind the Hollywood celebrity players box, right behind Mr. MacGyver.

See that girl behind Richard Dean 'MacGyver' Anderson and Matthew Perry from 'Friends'?

Yup, it's Shaena!


  1. O Gosh. I had such a crush on McGyver when I was 10...

  2. Would it be possible to put that "Hollywood Goes Hockey" event on youtube ? I would love to watch it.


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