Thursday, January 6

New stretch-ride for the kids. Yes, kids!

In preparation for the arrival of H2, Shaena has been researching different double stroller options like crazy and it is very clear that stroller systems are a lot cheaper over here in the US than back in both the UK and in Sweden so we thought; why not order one while we are here and bring it back with us? So we did. It arrived the other day. It is awesome.

This Chicco Cortina system can be folded up neatly to almost the same size as a normal stroller, is light and easy to manoeuvre and has a nifty car seat for H2 that can easily click in both in the front of the stroller and in the back. And cup holders. Lots of cup holders. What else do one need?

This is how it looks like in the catalogue:
Here's the car seat:
…and this is how it looks like in the real world:

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