Wednesday, October 17

So much to do, so little time

Holy Toledo, Batman! The weeks just fly by! It’s already mid October and we’ve been keeping ourselves crazy busy with both work, projects and fun. As always, the iPhone camera is with us everywhere we go so here are a few highlights from this month so far. Other highlights that unfortunately never made the photo roll was an amazing Thanksgiving dinner with our Canadian/Swedish friends Karen and Erik and a super-fun and very loud brunch/let-the-kids-burn-some-energy-session with our Aussie friends Renée and Gerome.

An awesome new indoor playland opened up close to us!
The kids were stoked to their teeth!

We've found our dream house!
200 square meters of sweet homey
awesomeness... and a turret!

We went 10-pin bowling with
Grandma and kompis

Shaena found her Havarti cheese finally!

Fun times outside

Son of Anarchy?

Ethan got his first professional haircut.
It was not achieved entirely without tears and
screaming, if I put it like that!

Daddy and Ethan's attempt at baking muffins

Another new, cool playground discovered!
This one is built by the old airfield so naturally
it is airport themed. Very cool!

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