Monday, May 7

T minus 4 days

Daddy days are approaching fast and the excitement level is reaching boiling point even faster! The weather here in Stockholm has been great overall for the past week and you can definitely tell that the number of sun hours have increased in the last month or so… which unfortunately also means that our lovely kids seem to think that wakey-wakey time is now even earlier than usual!

A couple of weeks or so back; Shaena and I were talking about what to do when I go on daddy days and Shaena also said something along the lines of “You know what – I should ‘disappear’ and technically not be here for a few days so you get to experience the full force of the boys and take care of both kids all by yourself for a few days…”.

Well, the idea sounded good at the time however; I think you will all agree we are going all-in on that 'parenting experiment' when I tell you that Shaena is heading to Washington DC and Green Bay for just over a week starting on Saturday! *gulp* Way to kick start daddy leave!

The girl crew from Edinburgh; Orlaith, Jen, Maeghan, Kate and Shaena are reuniting in Washington DC and I know they are all crazy excited about the week to come so stay tuned for updates…

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