Thursday, February 9

”You guys should pack up your things in Stockholm and move to Australia with us!”

This morning I received a text message from my best bud Tobbe (this is the guy who also drove a tiny car from Gothenburg to Mongolia a few years back!) who recently embarked on a round-the-world trip with his little brother. They are currently in India backpacking around and have spent a few weeks on the beaches of Kerala and Goa. The message read:

“We have left Kerala and Goa and are on our way to Kolkata and then to Darjeeling via Mombay for a few weeks of hiking in the mountains. India Rocks! We’ve pretty much decided to extend the trip with another 6-12 months [originally the trip was scheduled to last for about 10 months] and live in Australia for a bit. You guys should pack up your things in Stockholm and move to Australia with us and we can live in a co-op in some coastal city!”

After India the boys are moving on to south-east Asia for a few months of backpacking around Vietnamn and a few more countries, then on to Australia where they are doing a roadtrip starting in the north, then South America and finally the US where they are taking a Greyhound bus from somewhere way down south, over to California and then back across up to New York and home.

I'm not convinced we are packing up and moving to a co-op in Australia but no doubt I'm impressed with their amazing trip plan they've laid out and Tobbe’s message definitely of poked the ol' travel bug. I am now even more excited about our potential North American adventure! Let’s knock out a few plans and get this show on the road! Literally.

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