Saturday, July 9

"What do you want? Poop or bedtime?"

A very fitting quote from Shaena that kind of sums up our new reality with 2 kids in our lives. Shaena coined this quote in passing when Hudson had made a #2 and Ethan was just about to crawl into bed for the night.

In other words; “Take your pick: Do you want to change Hudson’s dirty nappy or put Ethan to bed?” which really illustrates how different it is with two kids instead of one and how we have to readjust and divide our time differently. For this reason alone, it’s been a great help to have extra hands on deck during this adjustment period and no doubt there will be a lot more adjustments and new routines to be made in the next little while, but it’s all good!

The last couple of weeks have of course been fantastic and exciting, but also hectic, tiring and very busy, as you can imagine. Lots of routines that we’ve built up with Ethan now have to be tweaked to fit our new little roomie and at the same time Ethan is trying his best to understand and adjust to his new reality as a big brother that who no longer gets 100% undivided attention.

For the most part he’s been great (with occasional defiance blow-outs where he's been screaming and slapping our legs for attention when one of us has been holding or feeding Hudson) and has slowly but surely started approaching Hudson and is now at the point where he is helpful and is bringing Hudson formula bottles and soothers. Today, he even took it upon himself to rock Hudson in his seat and fix his blanket when he was sleeping as one of his feet had been uncovered.

Isn’t he the sweetest little big brother?

Hudson 2 weeks old

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