We love having our friends coming and going in our apartment, it keeps it ‘alive’ and we also think it’s great that our place is welcoming enough for people to just pop by from their way home from work, on their way to something else, or of course; to hang out with us.
This week has been a busy one for Shaena and Ethan, packed with baby activities and loads of people have passed through the revolving doors of the Harrison-Helin residence. A baby play date has been held, work has been carried out, and a few of our evenings have been dedicated to ‘extracurricular office management/recruitment for cleaners/computer support/hang out with friends for ad-hoc pizza night’. Does that sound like your everyday weeknight?
Last night the girls took Shaena out for a dinner and a Ceilidh (Scottish country dancing) to celebrate her birthday, as they have not had a chance to do that yet. Meanwhile, Ethan and I stayed at home and our buddy Piers came by with all his computer equipment so that we could clean it up and make it work a bit better. Before Piers came by, Ethan and I ventured across the street for a kebab (figured I deserved one) and Ethan charmed the pants of the otherwise very quiet Middle Eastern shop keeper.
Once my Doner kebab was prepared, we went back home and the girls were getting dolled up for the night whilst Ethan and I were having our dinners. A bit later when Piers came over, he had brought a menu from Chop Chop, the Chinese takeaway across the street with the award winning dumplings so that he could treat me to a bit of Chinese grub, and who am I to say no to this kind offer? With a belly that was already full of kebab meat, I dug into these Asian treats and man they were awesome!
While we were doing this, we were also working on sorting out Piers’ computer and at one point we found ourselves sitting with a huge computer screen in front of us, a laptop in each of our laps and mobile phones in our hands, texting our girlies. Kind of felt a bit like the flight deck of the Star Trek Enterprise there for a second. All of the sudden a bunch of nasty pop-ups started, well, popping up. We had been attacked by a Trojan virus! The virus continued to disable most of the applications on the computer and did not let us install new programs either, so Piers started panicking slightly. I got a hold of my friend Mona in Sweden who helped us over a Facebook chat conversation from a house party and after we had been bugging her for quite some time, she understandably commented: ”Peter, can this not wait until tomorrow? I am a little bit too drunk for this right now.” Well Mona, drunk or not, you sorted us out!
Here are some photos from last night for your enjoyment:
(Ethan wasn't too impressed with some of the girls antics, as you probably can tell!)

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