Sunday, February 14

Frantic week – Fantastic weekend

The past week felt like yet another long one at work; we are currently super-busy trying to get anything and everything sorted out at breakneck speed and I think we are making good progress. Here at home, Shaena and Ethan have both ridden out the tail end of the flu and therefore they have been a bit tired and sickly, but they are doing much better now. Ethan also had his swine flu shot this week and he did really well! He didn’t even flinch and afterwards he was fine, not a single hint of fever or crabbiness.

On Friday evening Nicky and Orlaith came by our house to baby sit for a few hours whilst Shaena and I went out for a date night, or a ‘pre-Valentine’s dinner’ if you will. We had heard good things about La Stazione, an Italian restaurant above the pub at Haymarket station so Shaena reserved a table and took me out for a fabulous 3 course meal. The restaurant was a genuine Italian restaurant run by Italians and you could really tell that their focus was on making and serving great food, not necessarily the customer service or the appearance of the restaurant itself, as it should be in a real Italian restaurant.

Oh, I almost forgot; Shaena got picked up outside the restaurant! After dinner I stayed behind to pay the bill and Shaena stepped out for some fresh air. While I was waiting inside, a guy named Gary, pronounced [Gaaa-arry], who clearly was souped up on Scottish courage, walked up to Shaena and said "Do you want to go get a wine?" and just as I walked up, Shaena said: "I am waiting for my husband". Gary then said: "Oh, you have a husband!" and quickly stumbled off in the other direction. Sorry Gary, she is taken.

On Saturday we did quite a bit of organizing at home and got most of our clothes sorted out after the move and Piers and Lesley came by to check out the new place. Ethan got to play with Drake and it is nice to see that he is so comfortable around dogs, even big ones like Drake who is a mix between a Doberman and a German shepherd. I actually think Drake was more intimidated by Ethan than the other way round, as he quickly walked off when Ethan crawled up to him for a cuddle.

Today, as Shaena mentioned below, we hit up Glasgow for a bit of shopping and treated ourselves to a nice day out. I found a whole bunch of nice t-shirts and Shaena got herself both tops, sweaters and pants (trousers for you Brits). Ethan didn’t get anything this time, as we are just about to dust off his wardrobe for the next size up. He has so, so many nice outfits still to be used, thanks to our lovely family and friends!

Happy Valentine's everyone!

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