This morning our friendly neighbourhood postman knocked on the door and asked for Mr. Ethan Harrison-Helin. It was a bit unexpected so I said: "Well I am his dad so I'll sign for the letter." The postman then proceeded to say: "Well as long as someone trustworthy signs, I am fine."... So I said to him that "Ethan is only 7 months old, so I hopefully I am more trustworthy than him at this point."
Anyway, this was just a roundabout way of saying that our little buddy got his official Canadian citizenship today! We are of course very excited that this is finally done, just in time for the Olympics and everything! As Ethan is now officially both Swedish and Canadian, the question is: Who ever will he root for!?

Congretulation Mister Ethan. Now you are officilly Canado-Swedish. So it is cinnamon rolls with marple sirop for you :-)
ReplyDeleteCanadans are faster than French. We are still waiting for the French ID. Asaldis is only British for the moment.
It also took 183 days 18 hours 44 min and 20 sec...but who's counting.