Today Shaena, Ethan, Grandma Michelle and I took our first walk outside since he was born. We walked from our place to Grandma's to meet up with Great grandma, Nini and Julia who arrived safely this morning. Apparently they had to travel with a group of missionaries who just could not stop talking about their upcoming crusade to Africa and how they would talk about God with every person they meet. Oy ve! :)
After we’d all had a little afternoon nap, for various reasons, the gift-opening started. We’ve said it before and it is obvious that we will have to keep saying it; this boy is spoilt silly, and he will definitely be the best dressed little kid on the block!
The guys brought presents from the family back in Canada, and among the things we got was a handmade personalized diaper bag, clothes of course, Ethan got his Christmas outfits, Ethan and I got matching camouflage hats for hunting, a manly-man camouflage diaper bag, and of course Canada-inspired items! He wouldn’t be a real Canadian without them! Another thing we got that was really cool was a pair of handmade Cree-moccasins made by Cree natives in Canada. I am sure my dad is going to love that!
As everyone was quite tired today, we decided to just have a quick dinner together and then Shaena, Ethan and I would head back to our place. Nini and Julia walked us back to give cousin Emily back in Grand Forks a quick webcam call, as there was one super-secret gift remaining…
Nini had spent the last 5 months working on a Muppet show themed quilt and had created every single little detail from scratch with personalized texts and details for Ethan! The quilt was absolutely fabulous and unbelievably beautiful, truly a labor of love.
Thank you so much for all the pressies guys!
I almost forgot; the midwife came to visit today again to check up on Ethan, and he is doing great. Today she did a prick test in his heel to draw blood, and he did not seem to mind at all. What a trooper!
Some pictures from today:

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