Most people do not know this, but things have been cooking behind the scenes long before Ethan was born. There has been frantic activity in the girl camp here in Edinburgh, pledges and proposals have been made, the girls have been working their bums off lobbying for their cause, all because of the to-die-for title of ‘Ethan’s Godmother’.
After much consideration and deliberation we’ve decided that it would be best to have one representative per country, and our Irish rep is now officially Orlaith Brogan from Ballina, a very worthy representative for the green island. For Scotland we have decided on Jen Cantwell-Thomson and for the United States we have chosen Maeghan Ray. Canada is represented by Jessika Ellement, Ethan’s future lady friend’s mother.
Below is an email conversation that shows just how close to heart this matter has been to everyone involved:

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