What a great long weekend of firsts!
The weekend started off with a day of drinking tea in pyjamas with my new SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) friend Anita and an early arrival of Peter home from work as it was a squeeze day. We decided to go shopping without kids which is a rarity and a luxury so we enjoyed our short time out while perusing the aisles for items for our first bbq of the year to be hosted on the Friday at ours.
It was a crazy backlog on the road to the shops only to discover the popo were pulling people over for a random breathalyzer. I've already had my first one here a few weekends back when I "accidentally" drove over a solid white line. The fuzz pulled me over and thought I had to have been drinking cause no one pulls that stunt in Sweden! Luckily I got away without a ticket!
We also had our friends spend the night at ours making it a first for a sleepover for Ethan and Hailee. They were too cute all cuddling and reading books in bed together. While the night progressed and all the kids finally sleeping we got to try this new app on Anita's Iphone that is a genie that can guess what you are thinking. It is wild! You can't trip it up!!
Finally it was time to hit the hay. Friday morning we woke up to find it SNOWING! So much for hosting our first BBQ. I cancelled with all those meant to be coming and instead we had a quiet day indoors, though we still did get out the grill! Erin and Svante came by with baby Ossian for his first visit with the rest of the gang.
Uncle John was by for dinner and kindly gave us his old surround sound stereo. A first in this household so we were excited to watch "Top Gun".
Saturday was a relaxed day of cleaning at home. Finally mopping the floors though you can't even tell now!
Sunday was Ethan and Hudson's first Easter egg hunt! Again we met up with Anita and fam to our local park where she had cleverly dyed 12 eggs in food colouring and we placed them randomly around the forest for the kids to locate. Ethan was such a great help to Hailee finding the eggs and putting them in the basket and at the end they both found a special egg of McQueen and Princess Jasmine! We headed back to Anita's for fika and a easter themed movie and in the afternoon we headed home past the farm where Ethan enjoyed "baa-ing" at Shaun...the sheep of course.
Finally today, we took the boys to the pool for Hudson's first ever swim! He was a duck to water. Loving every minute and was not ready to leave when it was time to go. The boys splashed and Ethan helped Hudson around on a floaty thingy.
We enjoyed a lovely afternoon lunch by the marina and this evening is the first time in a long time I've added a blog entry.
Hope everyone is having a great long weekend like we are!!

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