It’s Shaena’s birthday on Sunday. The Big 3-0 is coming up for her as well and soon we’ll both be officially o-l-d. To celebrate, we are doing a long weekend from Friday till Monday and our good friend Cormac has flown in from Dublin to join in on the celebrations! Last night we hit up the south side pubs of Stockholm city and had an absolute blast! Our new friend Anita also joined the festivities so there was a Swede, a Canadian, an Irishman and an Aussie that walked into a bar… Can anyone think of a good joke?
As we all know by now; there is always a morning after the day before and the kids still haven’t figured out when it is a good time to be respectful to their parents and sleep in, so we were up early for a waffle breakfast and then off to ‘Lek & Bus’ for an energy-burning-session. The session did the trick and as I am writing this; Shaena, Cormac, Ethan and Hudson are all sound asleep at 3pm!
The big adventure for this weekend: A cruise to Riga, Latvia! Yep, The Harrison-Helins plus Cormac will embark on a cruise ship, cross the Baltic Sea and celebrate Mrs. Harrison-Helin’s big day in a new country! It’s gonna be a hoot!
This is the ship we'll be on:

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