You may have figured it out already by watching our mysterious, riddling video below but mommy and Ethan are heading back to the prairielands of Canada in just over a week to visit family and friends. At first we were planning on keeping it a secret and Shaena, wild and crazy as she is, would fly over there and simply go knock on her mother’s door, but then decided that it would probably be a better idea to be a bit more organized about it. Either way, it is going to be a great trip for them and I know that Shaena is really looking forward to it, even though she might not be looking forward to the long flight over and back, but that is the price you have to pay for being an expat I guess.
Ethan on the other hand probably won’t mind at all. As long as he’ll get his playtime, his food and his naps on fairly set intervals, it doesn’t seem to matter to him that he’ll sometimes fall asleep in one country and wake up in a completely different one.
One of many things I admire about my wife is how she can get so many things organized in such a short period of time when she sets her mind to it. As this trip came up kind of last minute, in the last few days Shaena has been researching flight routes, prices, durations, been phoning around booking things like travel cots for Ethan, organizing dates and timing with family, borrowed a travel-friendly stroller and at the same time managed to do all our normal admin here at home, even to the point where she phoned up our broadband provider and questioned a £1.25 fee for paper invoicing, even though we have e-invoicing, and got the money refunded!
What about me then? Well, this time around I won't be joining them on the trip as I have to stay behind and work. I am actually heading down to London on a quick trip of my own shortly after they head off to Canada as my company has kindly invited me to a leadership training session. Should be very interesting of course, but other than that, I will probably take it relatively easy, hang out at home and Skype chat with my little family in the evenings. I will miss them dearly, that is for sure!
Seriously, what would we do without Skype? For one, we would be broke because of all the overseas phone bills, but most importantly, it would be quite hard to stay in contact with so many people and know when people are available etc without modern day technology like internet telephony. There! I said it! I plugged Skype once again. If we had a penny for every time…

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