Christmas is soon upon us, so to get a bit of the Christmas spirit going at home, I brought back 'pepparkaksdeg' from Sweden, which is gingerbread (or ginger snap) dough and shapes to make gingerbread men and women. However Shaena thought the shape for the woman looked more like MC Hammer with his big baggy pants, so I guess we are baking 'gingerbread men' and 'gingerbread MC Hammers' this year! Maybe we should bake a little house for the Hammer-family as well, and a little sign saying 'You can't iTouch this!'?
A bit of interesting trivia about 'pepparkakor' is that the word 'peppar' translated to Swedish is either black or white pepper (and kakor is cookies), but there is no pepper in the 'pepper cookies', and there is no evidence that there has ever been any pepper in the recipe for these delightful treats.
I also have to get crackin' on the Christmas shopping, as I haven't bought any pressies for anyone yet. Shame on me! Let's just say I have been in 'intelligence gathering mode' for the last few months, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what Santa will be bringing this year. And as always, I am sure Shaena has figured it out already...

Det heter "pepparkakor" för att förr i tiden när man började importera kryddor från Orienten benämndes alla kryddor som "Peppar". Så muskot, kanel, nejlika mm var alltså alla olika typer av peppar.
ReplyDeleteIt's called "pepparkakor" because in the old days when we started importing spices from the Orient, all spices were named "Pepper". So, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, etc. were all considered different kinds of pepper.