"What better to do on a Monday night than to visit the Harrison-Helin's, order Chinese food, and play Wii?”, Heather and Andrew thought and came by our house last night. We had a great time pigging out on delicacies from Rice King (read: Lice Kiiiiing) and playing Shaun White Snowboarding on the Wii. As always, good times!
What else? Today I have been working from home to catch up on work after a manic couple of weeks. Incredible how productive you get when you get a chance to just sit down uninterrupted and plug away. Think I’ll have to propose a work-from-home set up for myself to my manager. Will she go for it? Only Mr. Jebus knows!
Oh, and really cool to see that the entries for the song writing competition are starting to come in! You guys are very creative, I must say. Keep 'em coming!

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