So Peter should be on his flight home and soon crawling into bed with me. I am so looking forward to him coming back...4 days is too long to be away :P
Had the 22 week appointment at the midwife today and all is looking good for baby H. He is right on schedule. Yep...that's right. Its a boy!! The next Beckham (or so we hope so we can retire on our son's wages! child labour here!)
Tonight was a lovely night at Judy's (she is a former Factotumette) and someone that inspires me. She is such a lovely person and has 3 grown children and a beautiful home in the New Town and has been all over the world traveling with her husband, kids and even dogs in tow.
She cooked us a homemade meal consisting of a cheesy pasta bake, chicken, baked potatoes with mince and mash potato on top, salad and to finish it all off we had traditional english pancakes to celebrate "pancake tuesday". I completely forgot that today was pancake tuesday! mmmm pancakes. At least that has satisfied part of my pancake/waffles craving. Looking forward to waffles in Mexico!
Only 3 more days till Mexico too! I've offered our place to a friend whilst we are away. Should be good since she is having a tough time with flat mates and give her the peace and quiet she deserves.
Looking forward to lying on the beach and sipping my virgin margarita! Mmmm. Virgin. :P
Anyway, just catching up on my show "Damages" until Peter is home and cuddles to come!